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  1. A D717, D735, D765 or D785 color phone with USB.

  2. At least one color UXM / D7C whose fkey label you want to edit. The module must be connected to the phone.

  3. The phone must have firmware version or higher.

  4. You must have access to the phone's web user interface.


Default Display

All Function Keys have a default display, composed usually of the Main Text displaying its Type and a Sub Text displaying additional information.

If no data is set in the "Number" field, the Function Key will simply display its Type, like this :

When adding data in the "Number" field, the label will be updated to this :

Static Text Customization

The Label field of a Function Key will override the default display.

On a phone

  1. Open the Function Key Menu on your phone (Settings / Preferences / Function Keys / Expansion Keys).
  2. Select the page, then the key you want to update, and select the Label field.

On the WUI

  1. Open the Web User Interface of your phone. (Requirement 1 & Requirement 4)
  2. Open the Function Key page of your phone: [PHONE-IP]/fkey.htm
  3. Find the key you want to update, and edit the Label field.


  • In the Speed Dial example, after setting a value (here, "John Doe") in the Label field, the Function Key display will look like this :

label="John Doe"
  • The Sub Text can also be easily edited. To do so, add a <br> tag in the label field.
    The string before the tag will be displayed as the Main Text, while the string after the tag will be displayed as the SubText.

label="John Doe<br>Main Phone"

Any other <br> tag after the first one will be read as a 1px space in the SubText.

Dynamic Text Customization

You can customize the Function Key display further by editing the XML Setting file on the WUI.

On the WUI

  1. Open the Web User Interface of your phone. (Requirement 1 & Requirement 4)
  2. Open the Settings page of your phone: [PHONE-IP]/settings.htm
  3. Find the label_default_text variable corresponding to your key.



with <labelIndex> being the index of the label on the list.

In this example, the "$name" variable refers to the Number field of the Function and the "$type" variable refers to the default name of the Function.

The Function Key index is common to the Phone and to the Expansion Module; thus, the first keys are the Phone's, not the Expansion Module's.

Please refer to your phone documentation to check how many keys your phone has.


You can customize the Function Key even further by using the XML Function Key Type. With this type, the behavior of a Function Key can be described with an XML string.

On the WUI

  1. Open the Web User Interface of your phone. (Requirement 1 & Requirement 4)
  2. Open the Function Key page of your phone: [PHONE-IP]/fkey.htm
  3. Find the key you want to update. Set its type to XML Definition and edit the Number field (it is recommended to just copy and paste the code from a text editor).

Don't forget to press Enter after updating the XML Definition field for the changes to be saved.

If the code is valid, the field XML Label on the WUI Page will display a preview of the Label, with the text on the first line being the Main Text and the text on the second line being the SubText.


Using the XML Definition below will generate a Function Key with the same behavior as the Speed Dial key above.

	<variable name='label' value='John Doe<br>Main Phone'/>
	<variable name='icon' value='kIconTypeFkeySpeedDial'/>
	<identity value='1'/>
	<invite when="on press" target="30901823"/>

Font Size Customization

You can modify the font size of all the Function Key labels.

On the Phone

  1. Open the Font Size menu (Settings / Preferences / Display / Expansion Modules / Appearance / Font Size)
  2. Select one of the available options.


Here's what our previous label looks like with the Main Text font as M and as XXL.

If the font is too large to display fully the Main Texts or Sub Texts on the D7C screen, the Function Key label will only display as many characters as possible.

The software will automatically hide the Sub Text if the Main Text font is too large for the two lines to fit properly in the D7C screen.

label="John Philip Malcolm Simon Oliver Doe<br>Main Phone"