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Web User Interface

Advanced - Network (Tab) - LDAP(Section): LDAP name filter

Phone User Interface



V8 / V10

XML Configuration

<ldap_search_filter perm="PERMISSIONFLAGS">VALIDVALUE</ldap_search_filter>


LDAP name filter is the search criteria for name look ups. The format of the search filter is compliant to the standard string representations of LDAP search filters (RFC 2254).
The name prefix for search entered by the user is represented by the “%” symbol in the filter. The setting is taken for searches inside the LDAP directory.

Valid Values

For a name filter, especially if used by quick lookup, an OR relation with wild cards makes the most sense. For example:

(|(sn=%*)(cn=%*)) -> Would match any sn (surename) OR cn (common name) beginnig with the given string.
(|(gn=%*)(cn=%*)) -> Would match any gn (given name) OR cn (common name) beginnig with the given string.

If the LDAP server entries contain only cn, keep the filter rule as short as possilbe. This will result in shorter requests to the server.
(cn=%*) -> Would match any common name beginning with the given string.
(cn=*%*) -> Would match any common name containing the search string.

If the server does not contain a cn, but only a gn and a sn, it can be expressed like this:
(|(gn=%*)(sn=%*)) -> Would match any gn (given name) OR sn (surename) beginnig with the given string.

Default Value
