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Web User Interface


Phone User Interface



XML Configuration

<fkeys_on_dialing perm="PERMISSIONFLAGS">VALIDVALUE</fkeys_on_dialing>


This setting describes which soft keys are shown when phone displays the dial screen.
*This setting is *available on all models with a screen.

  • The function keys are listed in order from left to right. Example: With the setting "F_DIALMODE F_BACK", the edit mode function key is shown on the first position from the left, the Backspace key on the second one. On 870 the first 3 keys represent the upper row while the next 3 keys define the lower row.
  • Some function keys are automatically hidden when they are of no use under current circumstances. Example: F_REDIAL will not be shown when there are no numbers in the redial-list.
  • It is possible to restrict each function key to certain conditions (edit_for_transfer: entering target for a blind transfer, have_incoming_call: there is an incoming ringing call, have_only_connected_calls: all the calls on the device are in connected state (i.e. in a single 1o1 call or a conference) or have_multiple_established_callssince more than 1 call on the device is in connected or holding state). For example, if you want a function key to be available only when there is an incoming ringing call, add the keyword to the function key settings in parentheses, e.g. "F_WHATEVER(have_incoming_call)".
  • It is also possible to negate this by placing the operator "not" up front. For example, "F_WHATEVER(not:have_incoming_call)" only shows the function key when there isn't an incoming ringing call.
  • You may also combine the keywords like this: "F_WHATEVER(edit_for_transfer,not:have_incoming_call)". In this case the key only shows when you are either entering the target for a blind transfer or there isn't an incoming ringing call. h1. Attention''': Use spaces only to separate the function keys. Do not use them before or inside the brackets or parentheses.

    Related settings:

Valid Values


Default Value

differs with phone model