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Since version two new functions "play_wav" and "stop_wav" are added to the PUI action interface. Now you can create a XML file to play and stop WAV files from an URL. The action interface can be used as an URL fragment.

Please note:  A fragment which is added to an URL that is added to a minibrowser.htm call will (only) be handled if the IP address of the URL is added to the setting mb_trusted_hosts or if the URL is already trusted (e.g. a local XML)

The syntax ot the PUI action interface URL fragment is:


The function for playing a WAV file "play_wav" needs the URL parameter "url=" with the URL of the WAV file as value. The parameter is separated from the function with a comma:


For example:


The function for stopping the WAV file "stop_wav" has no parameter:


The supported audio format is the same that is supported for custom ring tones (How do I apply customized ringtones and what is the required format):

PCM, 8 KHz, 16bit mono.

Here is an example XML file for playing and stopping WAV files. For using this example, replace YOUR_URL with the HTTP path to your wav files (for example The example assumes to find under this path 3 audio files named: test1.wav, test2.wav and test3.wav.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<IPPhoneMenu dtmf="off" id="play_wav_url" speedselect="on" scrollbar="true" state="others_except_mb">
  <Title>Play WAV Files</Title>
  <Repeat values="$(enum:3)" token="|__ID__|">
    <MenuItem name="Wav-__ID__" sel="$(condition:__ID__==$(var:selid))">
      <If condition="__ID__==$(var:playid)">
        <Url consume_key_event="1">phone://mb_nop#action_ifc:pui=play_wav,url=YOUR_URL/test__ID__.wav&amp;var:selid=__ID__&amp;var:playid=__ID__</Url>
        <Url consume_key_event="1">phone://mb_nop#action_ifc:pui=stop_wav&amp;var:playid=0</Url>
        <Url consume_key_event="1">phone://mb_nop#action_ifc:pui=play_wav,url=YOUR_URL/test__ID__.wav&amp;var:selid=__ID__&amp;var:playid=__ID__</Url>

And here you can see how it looks like on the phone: