Web User Interface
Advanced - Network (Tab) - LDAP(Section): LDAP number filter during call
Phone User Interface
V8 / V10
XML Configuration
<ldap_number_filter_during_call perm="PERMISSIONFLAGS">VALIDVALUE</ldap_number_filter_during_call>
LDAP number filter is the search criteria for number look ups. The format of the search filter is compliant to the standard string representations of LDAP search filters (RFC 2254).
The number prefix for search entered by the user is represented by the “%” symbol in the filter.
The setting is taken for lookups during call, when dialing, incoming call, or in connected state for displaying the name of the peer.
To get a partial lookup of only part of the number, the filter must look like this (assuming we have a 'mobile' or 'telephoneNumber' on the ldap server). Adjust the attribute to your requirements:
Valid Values
Standard LDAP filters e.g. (|(telephoneNumber=%)(Mobile=%)(ipPhone=%))
Default Value