C520 C620 M100 M200..M500
Web User Interface
Model | Web User Interface |
C520 C620 M100 M500 | Servicing → Provisioning → Resynchronization → Checkbox options for Days of the Week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) |
M200 | Configuration → Provisioning → Resynchronization → Checkbox options for Days of the Week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday) |
Phone User Interface
Text Configuration
provisioning.weekdays = VALIDVALUE
XML Configuration (C520, C620, M100, M200 only)
Sets the day(s) when the device checks for new firmware and/or configuration files. Enter a comma-delimited list of weekdays from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).
For example, 5,6,0 means the provisioning check will be performed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
M500 Multi-cell: Configure this setting for a specific base station. This is NOT a site-wide setting.
Valid Values
Comma separated list of numbers in the range of 0–6
Default Value