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Community Managers help ensure the Community Center is a welcoming place for all members. If you see something that goes against these guidelines, please report it using the comment function in the post, adding the #redflag. We review flagged content and take appropriate action as needed.

Please review the following guidelines:

  1. Be respectful and encouraging of each other, even if your opinions differ.
  2. Write clearly and in simple language. Always post full answers so other members can engage easily with you (click here for here for tips on gettings started)how to get started)
  3. We want to support multiple languages in our discussion rooms, however writing in English will raise the likelihood of interaction, as most members write and speak this language
  4. Ensure you adhere to rules in Airbnb’s Snom's Content Policy such rules such as not posting advertisements or revealing personal information like phone numbers for yourself or others. This is a public forum space where content in public boards are discussion rooms is accessible by anyone.


How can I contribute?

We can all contribute to the life of this community, whether you are an end user of our products or a reseller or service provider partner of Snom. Here are the main ways to get involved:

  • Support a post: give appreciation to a comment, by clicking the thumbs up button
  • Reply to a topic: click ‘Comment’ to join the conversation on a topic
  • Start a new topic: if you have a question or wish to start a new discussion, visit the relevant discussion room and click ‘Start a Conversation’
  • Share your knowledge: Your knowledge is a great resource for others, so please feel free to comment and give answers to the topics

We cherish our contributors

We know that everyone's time is very limited and helping others solving their problems is a question of solidarity. 

Nevertheless, we as the manufacturer decided to give back something to those community members who answer most questions and who receive the highest support rate (thumbs up) for their comments and answers. Once a quarter, we will send out valuable goodies such as XYZ - as our huge THANK You to the community supporters.


By starting a new topic, writing a comment or giving a thumbs up you automatically accept the given community guidelines.