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I would like to manage the telephones in a small company with SRAPS. My provisioning profile is transferred correctly to the registered telephones. Unfortunately, I have to enter the SIP login data manually.

How can I transfer the SIP access data to the devices without a lot of additional effort?

Ich möchte in einem kleinen Unternehmen die Telefone mit SRAPS verwalten. Mein Provisionierungsprofil wird korrekt auf die angemeldeten Telefone übertragen. Leider muss ich die SIP-Anmeldedaten manuell eingeben. 

Wie kann ich die SIP-Zugangsdaten ohne großen Zusatzaufwand an die Apparate übertragen?


Hermann Nienaber

End user

Joined: 31.07.2024


  1. Hi,

    You need to add the MAC of the phone on SRAPS, assigned to that specific Profile, and add all SIP related parameters in the Settings tab of the specific MAC

    All parameters you can configure manually, or via the web interface, may be provisioned via SRAPS

    Thank you

  2. End user Hermann Nienaber

    Hi Gianmaria,

    I probably didn't express myself well.

    Of course I entered the phones with MAC and the assigned profile in SRAPS. And the parameters are also transferred correctly to the devices. But the SIP access data is individual for each device. I'm looking for a simple way to transfer its own SIP ID and SIP password to each device...

    Thanks for your attention

  3. Hi,

    The only way to do that is to set those parameters for each MAC, and not with a Provisioning Profile

    Each MAC can also have settings that will only apply to that MAC, so the SIP account will only be passed down to that phone

    Thank you

  4. End user Hermann Nienaber


    thank you very much, that helped! I just didn't notice the settings for the devices in the SRAPS portal... How could I have been so blind :-)
