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I have a problem after autoprovisioning.

In our office we're using DHCP autoprovisioning.

The phone user and SIP-ID is configured to the phone's MAC-address.

For your Information : 
We're using SNOM D305.

My new ip provider said that the device is already stored in the snom database under a diffrent provider.

Can you delete the device out of the database? 

If you need more Information, feel free to ask.



Alois Kleine

End user

Joined: 20.09.2022


  1. Hi,

    in this case you or your Snom reseller must create a ticket on with the phones mac addresses and attaching the photos of the label under the phones.

  2. End user Alois Kleine

    If I I click here I alway get back to the forum. So how can I do this?

    Athough if I click create support ticket.

    1. Hi,

      We need a private ticket to remove this from our provisioning, if you don't have access as a Snom partner to our Helpdesk you would need to ask you reseller/distributor to raise one for you.

      If you are a Snom partner and you do not have access, please contact your Snom sales representative

      Thank you