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I was wondering if it is possible to apply custom styles to text in the D735? I would like to make certain function keys bold and red to make them stand out more. Since snom phones already have minibrowser support, I thought this might be possible through the use of certain xml tags. I was unable to find any information about this on the wiki, however. Is this a feature or a planned feature?


Timo de Koster

End user

Joined: 18.11.2024


  1. Silver Partner


    Sounds like an interessting feature. This could be helpful to mark any special Key. 

    Let’s see what snom says about this.

    BR Stefan

  2. Snom Gianmaria Tononi


    You can change the colour of the labels for the fkeys from the WUI in the Preferences→Appereance menu 

    Each parameter is defined by a group of 3 or 4 numbers, each >=0 and <=255: the first number is the red value, followed by green, blue and the opacity

    One of the parameters for example is below


    But all labels will be the same, there is no way to change the labels on the keys one by one

    Thank you

    1. End user Timo de Koster

      Thank you for your answer! It's unfortunate that it isn't possible to visually emphasize certain labels over others in this way. I will resort to CAPS LOCK and [brackets].