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Hello together

I put two M900 stations into operation today. The handsets are working fine so far. But what irritates me: The LED on the M900s glows orange constantly for several minutes. Now and then again longer green...

What does this mean? This condition is not mentioned in the manual.

Thanks for your help.

Best wishes,


Philipp Schönbächler

End user

Joined: 01.09.2022


  1. Hi,

    The solid orange LED means "Normal operation with pure RSSI between -75dBm and -90dBm", which means the base stations are not able to see each other with a good signal (which needs to be above the -75dBm).

    My guess is that it actually happens from time to time and that is why the LED gets green again.

    You need to move the bases closer to each other, or to change the position in general, to achieve a stable signal between them with RSSI above -75dBm for proper synchronisation.

    Thank you

  2. Hi

    Thank you for the quick reply. I had thought something like this... 

    Unfortunately, this information is actually not included in the German manual - or rather, I can't find them with a search for "orange" and "RSSI":

    Perhaps this information can still be captured in an updated version?

    Have a great day! (smile)

    1. Hi,

      The manual was released quite a while ago and some of the LED functionalities were brought in with the latest firmware versions, so this will of course be included in the future version of the manual itself.

      In the meantime, and this is for all of the info you cannot find in the manual, we have a page on our Service describing the LED functionalities as below

      What is the meaning of the LED colours on the M300, M700 and M900

      I hope this helps and thank you for reporting this, have a nice day