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we use the DHCP (option 66 and 67) to provide the update_server and the update_filename to our SNOMs to get the correct XML File for the provisioning. Never any problems, but now it is not working for the old D760 and D765 (no updates, no changes done), with the newer D785 it is still working.

Everything seems to be correct but the phones doesn't try any connection to the update_server. I can see that the phone got the correct settings, because I can see them in the settings of the phone:

<update_server perm="RW"></update_server>
<update_filename perm="RW">example_path&mac={mac}</update_filename>

At the moment the only way to force the phone to use the XML is to update the setting_server manually. If I write "{mac}" in the setting_server, the phone is using the XML for the provisioning.

Anyone any idea?

It was working all the time without any problems, the problems started a few month ago, detected in april (2nd april).




Jan Groesdonk

End user

Joined: 22.04.2024

1 Comment

  1. Hi.

    I had the exact same situation yesterday. I have been using SNOM phones since 2004 and my provisioning server is working perfectly. Yesterday I took a new D345 out of the box and it wouldn't cooperate either. I spent some time and decided it was defective. However, something tempted me to compare the XML from another D345 which worked flawlessly from the beginning. My new D345 has this setting from the factory: (remove space from link. this forum does not allow links and deletes them)

    <setting_server perm=“RW”>h t t p s : / / p r o v i s i o n i n g . s n o m . c o m / s n o m D 3 4 5 / { m a c } . h t m < / s e t t i n g _ s e r v e r >.

    My all other SNOMs (including the 2023 D345) have this:

    <setting_server perm=“RW”> h t t p : / / p r o v i s i o n i n g . s n o m . c o m / s n o m D 3 4 5 / s n o m D 3 4 5 . p h p ? m a c = { m a c } < / setting_server>.

    I entered this setting in the new D345, reset the phone and tadaaam.... everything works. Just keep in mind that going back to the factory settings will require you to change this one entry to make the phone want to work with local provisioning again

    I don't understand the reasons (and what this entry has to do with my local IP and server) but it works for me. I hope it will work for you too. By the way, maybe someone smart can explain this relationship. Because I don't understand it. 

    all the best
