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Snom D120 configured on TIM BUSINESS VOIP (Italian ISP), works perfectly outbound but inbound it frequently goes "unreachable", I tried on 2 different lines (same ISP though), 2 different routers but the problem persist. I bought 3 phones of this kind and ALL 3 have the same problem...

The only thing I can see in the logs that appears when an inbound call goes unreachable is: Apr 22 14:52:46.396 [NOTICE] PHN: TPL: Socket 57 idle/connect timeout

The worst thing is that it only happens sometimes... I saw that placing an outbound call fixes the problem for the next 5/10/15 minutes.

Anyone that knows how to proceed further debugging this problem? 


paulo murineddu

End user

Joined: 27.04.2024


  1. Ciao, probabilmente viene chiusa la porta nattata sul router, prova ad impostare il timeout di registrazione a 300 secondi (user_expiry) e un keepalive di 10 secondi (keepalive_interval).

    Un saluto

    1. End user paulo murineddu

      Ciao, grazie, ho provato ma dopo 5 minuti va in "Network Error", mi pare che l'user expiry sia un valore dato da TIM e deve essere 86400: Modem compatibili: guide e manuali d'istruzioni | TIM. Altre opzioni?