All my Snom D865 phones with firmware connect to my FreePBX OpenVPN server ok.
As soon as they are updated to a more recent firmware eg. they won’t boot. After updating, they display a blank screen with the background graphic and get stuck in a reboot cycle.
If I block access to port 1194 via my Firewall, they will boot but show a VPN error. The VPN error is obviously expected.
However, once booted, if I enable access to 1194 again and wait for a minute or two, they connect to the VPN and work ok.
This appears to be a Firmware regression. Is it a known problem and if so, is there a workaround?
If it helps, this is the vpn.cnf file.
dev tun
proto udp
remote 123.456.78.99 1194
resolv-retry 60
ca /openvpn/ca.crt
cert /openvpn/name.crt
key /openvpn/name.key
remote-cert-tls server
ping 10
ping-restart 60
We are running FreePBX 14 in the cloud which is behind a cloud firewall. This configuration has been in place since 2018 and I am looking to replace my D725s with D865s.
My experience with Firmware versions is below: -
- – Works OK.
- – Requires port 1194 to be blocked during boot. Once booted and port 1194 is unblocked, requires Identity to be deactivated and reactivated to register.
- – as above
- – Requires port 1194 to be blocked during boot. Once booted and port 1194 is unblocked, VPN is established automatically.
- – as above
Any help and advice appreciated.