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The Tools shows no Details of the HD 350w Phones - all we can see is the IP.  It gives "some portal pages cannot be reached" 

We have no Firewall active between Phone an PC with Hospi Tool. 

Web Interface of the phone works fine. Ping works fine ...

Any ideas how to fix this?


Jürgen Whoo

End user

Joined: 10.06.2024


  1. Hello Jürgen,

    thanks for your report. Never heard of it, and never seen anything like that. Did you already tried "jumping" directly into the webinterface from within the SIP Phone Administration Tool?

    What I mean is, if you have selected the affected HD350W and perform a double-click on the selected raw, usally your standard browser will open up and you are getting kind of "auto-signed" into the webinterface. Can you browse the mainpage this way and the other webinterface pages as well, without any issue or not?

    When the tool is "browsing" the discovered phones it does the same (in background) - logging in to each discovered device and browsing the pages to collect the data (like FW version, etc.).

    The browser that the tool uses potentially makes the difference. Otherwise I do not really have an idea. As mentioned, never experienced anything like that.

    Btw: which FW version is installed on the HD350W ? Have you already tried a factory reset of one HD350W and let it re-discover by the SIP Phone Admin Tool?

    Thanks and greetings from Berlin,


  2. End user Jürgen Whoo

    Hi Jan,  yes 2x Klick in the Tool works and logs me into the web interface (after answering certificate warnings) without User an PW. 

    I did an update on the firmware. 

    I tried with http and https discovery ... same result.

    Some pictures may help you: 

  3. End user Jürgen Whoo

    Die Software benötigt das .net Framework 3.x bzw 2.x - nachdem diese SW nachinstalliert wurde, ist das Problem gelöst. In Windows 11 ist die ältere Version nicht per Standard installiert

    und die Sprache muss auf EN eingestellt bleiben vom WebUI 

    Danke an Snom bzw Jan für die Unterstützung bei der Klärung.