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Unfortunately, this is another episode out of our love/hate relationship with the som D865. We really WANT to love this phone but the software flaws really make this hard.

We unpacked a factory new D865 which we had in stock for a while. Bootet it up. Logged in via the WebUI. Set a password for the admin user and set the username and password for the user scope.

We then updated to the latest firmware version The phone updated and rebooted.

Now, we cannot log into the WebUI anymore. Neither the empty/empty username/password combination works nor any combination of the credentials which we've set prior to the firmware update.

Unfortunately, we cannot trigger a factory reset via the hardware, since the phone shows the initial setup screen and the "Menu" softkey is not populated, yet, at that time.

Does anybody have an idea how to move forward? Is there an alternative way to factory reset the D865? Are there any additional secret credentials which would allow us to log in again?

We really want to like the D865 but are at a point, where we probably have to replace all of our devices, since they just cause too much of a headache.


Ralf Rottmann

End user

Joined: 07.03.2023


  1. Hi, thanks for choosing Snom D865. Just checked with our Snom product owner, regarding your report. We cannot understand the symptoms described, but at least we can support you with the following:

    While a "secret" / backdoor login does not exist, - you can still Factory Reset the D865 this way:

    Press **## to reboot.

    Long press  # while the phone boots up in "Rescue Mode"

    In Rescue Mode, you can choose the first option: Settings reset 

    We hope this helps, - looking forward to your feedback.

    Thanks and greetings from Berlin,
    Jan Boguslawski

    1. End user Ralf Rottmann

      Thanks, Jan. Your help and support is invaluable and very reassuring. Wel'll try to factory reset as you've described.

  2. End user G STE

    @Snom D865   wir haben heute den 26.3.2024 und nach langer Zeit scheinbar wieder eine Alpha Firmware V10.1.169.15 erhalten. Eine Schande!

    Leider kann ich das so hoch gepriesene Hightech Telefon D865 nach sage und schreibe 1 Jahr noch immer nicht verwenden.

    Das Telefonbuch noch immer ein Horror.
    Die Funktionstasten ein Horror.
    Eine IP Türstation kann noch immer nicht eingebunden werden.
    Es funktionieren die einfachsten Sachen nicht.
    Ich fühle mich mit Snom ins 19. Jahrhundert rückversetzt!

    Was ist da los bei Snom, so etwas hats doch noch nie gegeben!?