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wir haben zwei D385 Telefone bei einem von beiden besteht seit gestern folgendes Problem, es werden die Einstellungen die wir bei der Identität eintragen nach ein paar Minuten zurück gesetzt ?

mfg. Christian


Christian Berger

End user

Joined: 29.02.2024

1 Comment

  1. Sorry, meiner Deutsch is nicht gut.
    So the comment will be in English.

    Could you provide which PBX you are using ?

    We have same kind of behaviour with 3CX on D717 phones.
    I believe this happens because of reregister, which from 3cx SNOM template happens every 120 sec./2 min.
    This can be timed.

    The default should be 3600 sec.
    However, making a custom template with a different value than the default 120 sec. (in the template) does not work.
    It still uses 120 sec. for some unknow reason.

    Besides the time interval at which this occurs, I wonder if the identity just should be registrered untill an unsuccesfull registration.
    However 20 sec. later, the same identity is registred again. (untill the next reregister)