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Hello community,

I just set up a new D713. Firmware directly updated to

It is connected to a Fritz!Box 5590.

So far, everything works fine, but there's a strange behavior when in privacy settings CLIR is set to active (D713 display shows Anon-ID).

If outgoing call is accepted: i.e. call to another phone (e.g. mobile) → mobile shows "anonymous" →  mobile accepts call... talk... hang up... → ok

If outgoing call is not accepted: i.e. call to another phone (e.g. mobile) → ... → call not accepted → hang up (D713) → mobile keeps ringing for a while (!!!) and D713 get status unregistered .... a couple of minutes later it is registered again... (or when re-registered in web interface)

Any idea or hints?

Thank you in advance!

BR Emilio


Emilio Palazzo

End user

Joined: 03.02.2025