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The SnomIPPhoneSilent (or IPPhoneSilent) tag (available since version allows creating a Minibrowser document that will not be displayed. The main use case for this is to issue a fetch command (see this example) delivered via a SIP NOTIFY. Since it is not displayed it does not respond to any key events (key events are passed to the underlying state). A silent minibrowser runs independently from other minibrowser instances in its own context and is not tracked in the minibrowser history. It persists only until the fetch command, if present, completes. If no fetch tag is detected (possibly due to surrounding conditionals) it terminates immediately.

Valid Attributes

SnomIPPhoneSilent supports the attributes on the Main Attributes list by default. But since the silent minibrowser is not displayed most have either no effect or are ignored. The only attributes that are meaningful are id and document_id.

Valid Subtags

Of the subtags on the Main Subtags list SnomIPPhoneSilent supports only fetch and the conditionals (if, else, elif). Note that SnomIPPhoneSilent treats the special URI phone://mb_nop like phone://mb_exit, i.e. it cannot be used to jump inside a batch file from a SnomIPPhoneSilent section.


Simple Example

XML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <fetch mil=10>phone://mb_nop#numberdial=1001</fetch>

Example with condition

In this example the fetch will be executed only if the condition is met, i.e. if the phone is idle.

XML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <If condition="$(phone_state)==Idle">
        <fetch mil=10>phone://mb_nop#numberdial=1001</fetch>