
Page tree


The SnomIPPhoneText (or IPPhoneText) tag shows arbitrary text

See examples for this tag below.

Valid Attributes

  • SnomIPPhoneText can contain any of the attributes from the Main Attributes list
  • has_scrollbar: Display a scrollbar. Valid values: true, false, yes, no, on, off
  • clearlight: starting with version, the clearlight attribute for the <SnomIPPhoneText> tag can be used to switch off the message LED from the minibrowser. Valid values: true, false (any other value is considered "false")

Valid Subtags

SnomIPPhoneText can contain any of the subtags from the Main Subtags list

In addition, it contains the following subtags:


The text to display. This tag contains mixed content.

  • The text will be cut on phones with color display if it is too long.
  • br tag will ignored if put right after the opening tag.

Valid Subtags:

  • br


X coordinate of the text position


Y coordinate of the text position


Show image alongside the text

Valid Attributes:

  • default: Default image to load in case the image URL content failed to load

Valid Subtags:

  • Conditional blocks
  • LocationX: X coordinate of the image position
  • LocationY: Y coordinate of the text position
  • width: Determine the width of image
  • height: Determine the height of image
  • Url: URL of the image to load


Simple example

XML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        Welcome to Snom!
        Hello World!



This section refers to the Image tag used as a SnomIPPhoneText subtag

XML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- use this value of LocationY to avoid conflict with upper bar -->
    <Text>Hello world:<br/>second line<br/>third line
<br/>nothing to write<br/>no line</Text>
    <Image default="file:///bmp/colored/snom_photo_unknown.png">
