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In initial stages of setting up and I cannot get the PA1 to play the IP address over a speaker.  When I plug in a headset I can hear it, but when I connect an 8 ohm speaker (sony SS-V315) it will not play. I checked the PA1 preference to make sure the speakers were turned on. 


Adam Baker

End user

Joined: 23.04.2022


  1. Hello,

    please check the setting headset_active, it should be set to off!

    Best regards

  2. End user Adam Baker

    Thank you for that information. I did confirm that the setting Headset_active is on.  Where can I change that setting to off? 

  3. This setting can be set and changed remotely by sending HTTP GET requests to the phone's webserver or via provisioning.

    For the first and simple one, see more at:
    Can I set or change phone settings via HTTP requests

    Best regards

  4. End user Adam Baker

    I updated the settings, and still nothing comes out of the speaker.  I tested the speaker and the wires connecting the speaker and they are good. I can still hear the IP address when I plug the headset in, but nothing comes out of the speakers. I restarted the PA1. If I send my settings to you, can you take a look at let me know what any of the other issues may be?

  5. yep, you can!

    Best regards

  6. End user Adam Baker

    Attached are my current settings - please let me know if you see something that needs addressed.  Thanks

  7. End user Adam Baker

    Hello, I wanted to touch base to see if you were able to look at the settings and see if you could determine why the external speaker connection isn't working.  Thanks!

  8. Hello,

    Sorry for the delayed answer!

    I checked the settings and didn't see anything quickly that could cause the problem!

    To get default settings, I recommend resetting the device.

    Best regards

    1. End user Adam Baker

      I reset device to default settings, went back and set headset active to off, and I'm still not getting the IP address to broadcast through the speaker.  how to I check the output of the speaker to make sure it isn't a hardware issue with the PA1?

      1. End user Adam Baker

        Also, I pulled the circuit board out and checked voltage across ground on all points. All check good except the 12v to ground.  When I checked that, it was 0, then pressed the IP/Reset button and it peaked at 1.48v.  I checked the gain and the gain was set at 0.  I changed gain to 1 and it started at .36v and peaked at 1.48v.  I turned gain all the way up to 10 and it started with voltage of .94v and peaked at 1.58v.  Upon closer review, it looks like one of the chips has a burn mark on it.  I can't read the info on the chip and don't have the board wiring diagram, but could this be causing the issue? it's the chip in U15  above the testing points for 12V and just below 4R7.  Thanks!

  9. Hi Sidaty,  Thanks for your help with this one , I spoke with Adam and we were able to update the firmware on his device, and then discovered the test speaker was likely not to we are hopeful the device is functioning properly, and he will move forward with registering to his VoIP service, and connecting to the amplifier.

    Thanks again, (smile)