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Hi all,

I have just purchased a new (old stock) Snom M9 twin phone setup and I am trying to set it up

but I am unable to access the web interface using either the web address or the MAC address.

I have tried using 3 browsers (Chrome,Firefox,Edge) and 2 routers (static and DHCP addressing)

but all come back with refuses to connect. It shows it is connected on the router and the handsets

confirm a connection. I could try configuring the connections via the handsets but the phone's

firmware is old and I was hoping to update it a later version but I need the web interface for that.

I was hoping someone might be able to offer a solution for the issue please.

Thank you in advance for any help.  


Ian Robinson

End user

Joined: 19.01.2024

1 Comment

  1. Hi,

    Unfortunately the M9 is a product that went End Of Sales almost 10 years ago

    Snom products lifecycle

    And we can't offer any support for it: the WUI should be available using the IP address, this unit may be faulty or have other issues but we can't investigate deeper with these old products

    Thank you