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Note: This article is no longer needed for newer firmware versions (>= Starting with version, images on the D717 are displayed as on all the other phones

In older versions, the D717 uses a wide pixel type display in comparison to square pixel type displays used in other Snom phones.

  • While the resolution is similar to D735 / D765 (320x240) the display's active area format is approx. 16:9 instead of 4:3.
  • So every pixel is 1.3333 times wider than on 4:3 displays.
  • Therefore all images appear to be stretched when displayed on a D717 display.
  • To overcome this images need to be properly scaled before usage on the phone.

How to modify image material

Image material that should not show stretched must be modified and embedded into another image to look right.

Example shows how to use the company logo as a background image.

There are two ways to get the image right:

  1. Create a larger image and then scale down
  2. Copy scaled content into correctly sized image

Option 1: Scaling down

  • Create an empty image with the size of 427x240px and embed your company logo as usual:

  • Then scale down to 320x240px (make sure to deselect "to scale" option)

Option 2: Scaling content

  • Create an empty image with the size of 320x240px.
  • Scale down your input image by a factor of 1.33333 on the long side (only long side, not to scale).
  • Copy your input image into the empty image.

Relevant numbers

  • Display resolution: 320x240
  • Display format: 16:9
  • Strech-factor or X-Axis: 1.33333
  • Virtual resolution to create images: 427x240