- A D717, D735, D765 or D785 color phone with USB.
- At least one UXM you want to update.
- The phone must have firmware version or higher.
- You must have access to the phone's web user interface.
Show or Hide Icon in Label
- Open the Web User Interface of your phone. (Requirement 1 & Requirement 4)
- Open the Settings page of your phone: [PHONE-IP]/settings.htm
- Find the fkey_full_label_mode variable corresponding to your key.
with <keyNum> a value from 0 to 223.
- If set to "text", only the Main Text and the SubText of the Function Key will be displayed.
- If set to "icon_text", both Icon and Main Text / Sub Text of the Function Key will be displayed.
- If set to "icon", nothing happens.
The Function Key index is common to the Phone and to the Expansion Module; thus, the first keys are the Phone's, not the Expansion Module's.
Please refer to your phone documentation to check how many keys your phone has.
- for D3 series: D3xx Function Key Index Ranges
- for D7 series: D7xx Function Key Index Ranges
Set a Custom Icon
With the WUI Settings page
- Open the Web User Interface of your phone. (Requirement 1 & Requirement 4)
- Open the Settings page of your phone: [PHONE-IP]/settings.htm
- Find the fkey_icon_type variable corresponding to your key.
with <keyNum> a value from 0 to 223.
The variable can be :
- an enum value. (see Fkey Icons for the values list and the corresponding icons)
- an URL to a picture.
The Function Key index is common to the Phone and to the Expansion Module; thus, the first keys are the Phone's, not the Expansion Module's.
Please refer to your phone documentation to check how many keys your phone has.
- for D3 series: D3xx Function Key Index Ranges
- for D7 series: D7xx Function Key Index Ranges
With an XML Function Key
- Open the Web User Interface of your phone. (Requirement 1 & Requirement 4)
- Open the Function Key page of your phone: [PHONE-IP]/fkey.htm
- Set the Type of the key you want to update to "XML Definition".
- Add to the Initialization block of your XML definition the following variable :
<variable name='icon' value='kIconTypeFkeyDnd'/>
with the value of the variable being an enum value. (see Fkey Icons for the values list and the corresponding icons)
Don't forget to press Enter after updating the XML Definition field for the changes to be saved.