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Page tree

Index ranges of the freely programmable function keys with LEDs or with self-labeling display labels on D3xx phones with USB ports and their expansion modules.

Keys on PhoneLine keys: 0 - 4

Page 1: 0 - 11
Page 2: 12 - 23
Page 2: 24 - 35
Page 4: 36 - 47

Line keys: 0 - 11 

Page 1: 0 - 11
Page 2: 12 - 23
Page 2: 24 - 35
Page 4: 36 - 47

USB expansion modules (UXM)

Module 1: 131 - 148
Module 2: 149 - 166
Module 3: 167 - 184

Module 1: 174 - 191
Module 2: 192 - 209
Module 3: 210 - 227

Module 1: 138 - 155
Module 2: 156 - 173
Module 3: 174 - 191

Module 1: 174 - 191
Module 2: 192 - 209
Module 3: 210 - 227

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