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Snom Hospitality SIP Phone Administration Tool is a client-based application used for the on-premise administration of all the Snom Hospitality phones in the same network.

The application delivers the following capabilities regarding the Hospitality phones:

  • Detect all phones in the same network / subnet
  • Manage all phones in terms of configuration, bulk upgrade for phones and corresponding DECT handsets
  • Monitoring all phones - the ability to scan the network both manually and through a scheduled time to monitor the phones in the network
  • Bulk change of Admin password - the ability to apply bulk password change to all the phones across the network.
  • Bulk generation of configuration files

Following Phone Models are supported by the Admin Tool:

Supported Operating System and version

  • Windows XP/7/10 with up-to-date service packs
  • Windows Server 2016 - with specific system registry entries
  • RAM: 8G (minimum); 16G (optimal)
  • Disk: 32G (minimum); 64G (optimal)
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 ,which is available for download from the Microsoft official page: .NET Framework 3.5 Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 from Official Microsoft Download Center
    Please note that this .NET Framework 3.5 is not installed per default on Windows 11, but needed by the Administration Tool for full featured functionality.)

More details and usage description

  • The corresponding Snom Hospitality SIP Phone Administration Tool Administrator Guide is covering everything you need to know about the tool and its usage.
  • Please make sure that you always use the guide version published correspondingly to the Administration Tool version.

Download Link and corresponding guide:

Tool VersionFile SizeSHA256-checksumDownload LinkGuide VersionDownload Link
V 4.3.51,56 MB624a566dc7a0d6ab0b01ef95f4553aa0767f649f24825f24b5c2e8a8ac477277Snom_Hospitality_SIP_Phone_Administration_Tool_v4.3.5.exeV 1.03Snom_Hospitality_SIP_Phone_Administration_Tool_Administrator_Guide_v1.03.pdf