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Please note: this article describes the "classic" way of sending text messages to the idle screen. A more modern / recently implemented feature is not limited to idle screen and provides a lot more options like message queue and multiline and Icon support. Please do not miss to review this as well: Notifications via Infobox

Text messages (desktop messages) to the idle screen of a Snom deskphone, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the folowing settings on the phone's web interface:

    Support broken Registrar to "on"
    Filter Packets from Registrar to "off"
    Network identity (port): 5060
    Clear Desktop Message on Cancel --> "off" -> message stays permanently --> "on" -> message can be deleted via "Cancel" key
    Also configure an admin password and a http password. If the phone does not have an admin password and http password, the status bar will display the warning messages "Admin Password not set" and "HTTP Password not set" and these will have priority over any other messages.

  2. Re-boot (!!) the phone but do NOT reset it!
  3. Set up at least one identity (e.g. 486@mypbx) on the phone and select it as outgoing identity.
  4. Install SIPSAK on any computer in your network (Linux/ Windows versions available) and enter the following command. Note that the extension must match the one that the phone currently has configured (e. g. 486:)
    sipsak -i -M -B "This is an example message" -s sip:486@phoneIP

  5. Result: The message "This is an example message" will be displayed depending on the phone type.

    Here are some examples:

    1. Example D375:

    2. Example D745:


  • See the SIP trace in order to check if the SIP message has reached the phone e.g.:
    MESSAGE sip:493@phoneIP:5060;...
  • The message is sent to a specific identity on the phone, e.g., sip:493@phoneIP therefore the phone must be set to that identity before (!!)
    --> The message can be matched then and the phone answers "200 OK" otherwise "404 Not Found"

Note: Starting from firmware V6, it is also possible to show special messages for a particular call as long as the Call-Id matches the current call. An example of that MESSAGE method would be:

MESSAGE sip:153@ SIP/2.0

Example of SIP flow

Received from udp: at 23/10/2009 17:37:35:305 (334 bytes):

MESSAGE sip:440@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.6595ca81;rport;alias
To: sip:440@
Call-ID: 868689509@
Content-Type: text/plain
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: sipsak 0.9.5
From: sip:sipsak@;tag=33c72665
Content-Length: 26

This is an example message


Sent to udp: at 23/10/2009 17:37:35:311 (228 bytes):

SIP/2.0 200 Ok
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK.6595ca81;rport=4325;alias
From: sip:sipsak@;tag=33c72665
To: sip:440@
Call-ID: 868689509@
Content-Length: 0
