
Page tree

The phone settings XML tag (<phone-settings>) contains the main part of the available configuration parameters.


  • This XML tag can be used either inside the <settings> tag

    <phone-settings e="2">
      <parameter(1)> idx="<index>" perm="<permission flag>" <value></<parameter>
      <parameter(n)> idx="<index>" perm="<permission flag>" <value></<parameter>>
  • or as an individual XML file whose URL is listed inside <setting-files> tag

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     <phone-settings e="2">
      <parameter(1)> idx="<index>" perm="<permission flag>" <value></<parameter>
      <parameter(n)> idx="<index>" perm="<permission flag>" <value></<parameter>>
  • The following attributes are allowed:
    • e="2" defines that unicode-values inside xml-escapes (e.g. & # 6 4 ;) may be greater than 255.
    • <parameter> tag contains
      • idx representing a valid account index
      • perm representing a valid permission flag
      • value representing the parameter value
      • action representing the action on the setting, currently only supported value is "remove"
        "remove" will remove only the value from the setting. Note that this setting only applies to a small list of settings.

        • The action attribute was added in, it can only be applied to the below listed settings and if used on any other settings will simply result in a normal "set" of the included value overwriting any previous value available to following settings:  


General Phone Configuration File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <web_language perm="RW">English</web_language>
  <timezone perm="RW">USA-5</timezone>
  <tone_scheme perm="RW">USA</tone_scheme>
  <date_us_format perm="R">on</date_us_format>
  <time_24_format perm="R">off</time_24_format>

  <!-- the following parameters are only required to provide automated firmware updates--> 
  <!-- IMPORTANT: define the URL of the firmware setting file--> 
  <firmware_status perm="R">http://domain/snom/snom3x0-firmware.htm</firmware_status>
  <update_policy perm="R">auto_update</update_policy>
  <firmware_interval perm="R">2880 </firmware_interval>
