Scheduled maintenance alert

Our website will undergo maintenance from Di, 19.11.2024, 20:00 CEST to Di, 19.11.2024, 22:00 CEST, which may cause occasional service disruptions. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.


Page tree

The Minibrowser allows the usage of variables. The var callback returns the corresponding value for the given variable.

There are two ways to initialize a variable:

  1. By adding it to the URL when calling the Minibrowser page. Example: http://link_to_the_minibrowser_code.xml#var:myvar=somevalue
  2. By checking if the variable is empty and, if yes, refresh the page via mb_nop with the variable as parameter:

    <If condition="$(empty:$(var:myvar))">
    	<fetch mil="1">phone://mb_nop#var:myvar=somevalue</fetch>

Example 1: simple variable initialization

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SnomIPPhoneText id="text">
	<If condition="$(empty:$(var:myvar))">
		<fetch mil="1">phone://mb_nop#var:myvar=somevalue</fetch>
    <Text>Variable is $(var:myvar)</Text>

Result when the variable value was added to the Minibrowser URL (URL called:

Result when the variable value was not added to the Minibrowser URL (URL called:

Example 2: Show the variable first_page before and after a value is assigned to it. The value of the callback will only last until the minibrowser is closed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SnomIPPhoneText id="page0">
        <Title>page 0</Title>
            var:first_page: $(var:first_page)
            <br />
            Press * to continue
    <SnomIPPhoneText id="page1">
        <Title>page 1</Title>
            <Url>http://link_to_this_example.xml#sub=*[@id="page2"]&amp;var:first_page=$(urlencode:hello world)</Url>
            Pressing * will set variable 'var_first_page' to value 'hello_world'
            <br />
            Press * to continue
    <SnomIPPhoneText id="page2">
        <Title>page 2</Title>
            var:first_page: $(var:first_page) <br />
	        Press * to continue to Page0
