Web User Interface
Phone User Interface
Initial Firmware Version
XML Configuration
<status_msgs_with_audio_indication perm="PERMISSIONFLAGS">VALIDVALUE</status_msgs_with_audio_indication>
Lists all statuses that should make the phone beep in idle (i.e. no calls) whenever they are active. The list is prioritized, the first active status found determines the beep-mechanism. Starting with version, the beep set of every active status will be played one after the other.
Valid Values
space-separated list of status_message[:reminder time in s][/index of beep set]
Here is how to define values:
status_message[:reminder time in s][/index of beep set]
The available status messages that can be set are described here: Phone Status Messages
Beep sets possible values are:
1 - beep one time
2 - beep three times
3 - beep five times
Example: EthernetUnplugged PhoneWantsReboot/2 CurrentIdentityIsDnd:10/3 PhoneHasMissedCalls:300 would mean:
1 beep for ethernet cable is unplugged, no repetition
3 beeps for phone wants to reboot, no repetition
5 beeps for do not disturb current identity, repeating them every 10 seconds
1 beep for missed calls, repeating it every 5 minutes
Default Value