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Release Date: 29. September 2022

Important Notes

  • Note: This is a D120 exclusive FW release due to a hardware revision, - for details please see below the important advice regarding upcoming hw revision.
  • Please make sure you read ALL of the information below before installing the software on your device.
  • Please install and test the software in your environment before mass deployment.
  • We encourage you to read and follow our security advisories.

Important advice regarding upcoming hardware revision of D120 (new network PHY)

The phone model D120 will get a new network PHY in an upcoming hardware revision. This release here is the first public available firmware that supports the new hardware revision and all the previous ones. But to prevent the new revision from being potentially bricked by downgrade attempts to older firmware releases, we introduced a compatibility check in the firmware update process (see SAP-6152 below in Changelog). In addition, new settings / setting values are integrated in this release here to facilitate identifying the new hardware revision to support e.g. it's handling in provisioning or other related maintenance-, inventory- management tasks.

Known issues and limitations:

SAP-5942: Due to a regression the setting rtp_early_media_muted is broken, - no local ringback with early media. Related log statement: "[DEBUG0] MEDIA: RTP: no incoming early media packets, play ringtone instead".

→ No workaround, but a known last known good with

SAP-4679: The user will experience no audio in an established call, with specific VLAN configuration on PC port: "Un-/Tag VLAN traffic to/from specific switch ports: on" & "PC Port VLAN Id: 102" & "PC Port VLAN Priority: 3" - only observed with D120.

→ No workaround.



Changes since release version

New features:

SAP-4724: New CALL_PARK_DIAL and CALL_PARK_RETRIEVE KeyEvents, that can be added to call_screen_fkeys_on_connected, call_screen_fkeys_on_holding any fkey or dkey and are available in WUI, prerequisite user_server_type=Broadsoft #Broadsoft
SAP-5031: New support for multiple pages of softkeys in idle screen to be enabled via setting: extend_context_key_in_idle
SAP-5052: Inside <phone-settings> tag a new attribute called action is introduced including "remove" which allows removing the value from a few settings, e.g. status_msgs_that_show_directly & status_msgs_that_are_important

Improvements and modifications:

SAP-5351: Empty softkey pages are now skipped when the new support for multiple pages of softkeys in idle screen is activated with extend_context_key_in_idle
SAP-5562: A message is added to inform user they can press "X" to boot if the DHCP client can't obtain an IP address
SAP-6152: Downgrade protection for new HW revision, - new network PHY @D120


SAP-3754: Invalid configuration content of a provisioning file provided by DHCP option 66/67 was parsed and erroneously applied, now it is ignored
SAP-5087: The phone did not dial numbers/contacts containing special characters, like + , * or # provided via CTI protocol uaCSTA (phone log states e.g.: FATAL CSTA: Fail to create sip contact with +1234) #3CX
SAP-5209: Under certain circumstances, the local phone book data became unavailable #3CX
SAP-5331: If the feature: extend_context_key_in_idle is enabled and the Key Event type F_NONE is assigned to an extra softkey page its label duplicated the corresponding key label from page 1
SAP-5411: The MWI / F_RETRIEVE indicator LED and message was erroneously turned off when a NOTIFY of Content-Length: 0 was received


Firmware Files

Phone Model

File Size

SHA-256 Checksum

Download Link


16.9 MB


Customization Files

Phone Model

File Size

SHA-256 Checksum

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1.2 MB


Root CA Certificates

Phone Model

File Size

SHA-256 Checksum

Download Link


425.9 kB
