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The local central directory is a phone list downloaded to the base station or to the primary base station in a multicell installation.

Note: The list cannot be edited on the base station's web interface or on the handsets.

If you need to edit existing entries or if you want to add or delete entries, you must do so in the original file and download it anew. The entire saved file is overwritten every time you load a file to the central directory.

It can be imported in two different ways:

  • manually uploading the directory file
  • configuring the base to download the local directory file from a server

Read the detailed instructions in the manual here:

Manually uploading the directory

In order to manually upload the directory you first need to prepare the directory file (see the supported formats below). Once you have the directory file you should:

  1. log on to the base web interface
  2. click on the Central Directory menu
  3. make sure the Location is set to Local
  4. under the Import Central Directory section click on the Select file button
  5. select the directory file from your computer
  6. click the Load button

Some seconds after clicking the Load button the registered handsets will display the Central Directory soft key and icon on the middle of the screen.

Configuring the base to download the local directory

First of all you have to prepare the address book file in a tbook format (see the supported formats below). Now you can proceed configuring the download:

  1. log on to the base web interface
  2. click on the Central Directory menu
  3. make sure the Location is set to Local
  4. fill the Server field with the HTTP URL of the directory up to the last folder (Eg.: )
  5. fill the Filename field with the name of the XML file (Eg. snom_directory.xml)
  6. optionally set a reload interval (in seconds), please avoid too short intervals that can overload the base and server
  7. click the Save button

After clicking the Save button the base will download the directory file and the handsets will show the Central Directory soft key and icon on the middle of the screen.

Please note that the Server and the Filename fields will be concatenated to create the download URL, so don't forget to add the trailing slash to on the Server or the starting slash on the Filename.

Here are some examples:

Server fieldFilename fieldConcatenated URLNote FAIL: Malformed URL
FAIL: Malformed URL
OK: Well formed URL
OK: Well formed URL
OK: Well formed URL
WARNING: double slash not supported by some HTTP server

Note: the URLs above are just some examples of what can be used and some of the most common malformed URLs, please keep in mind that most servers may need the use of the HTTPS protocol especially if connecting to a remote directory.

Local Directory supported formats

The Local Directory supports three different formats:

  1. tbook (format can be used only for downloaded Local directory)
  2. IPPhoneDirectory (suitable only for manual uploading on the base)
  3. CSV (suitable only for manual uploading on the base)

The tbook format

The tbook format is an XML-based file where you can define the name and the number. The number will be listed as Home number. You cannot have multiple numbers per contact. Tbook format can be used only on downloaded Local directory. Here an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <name>John Doe</name>
    <name>Ray Albert</name>
    <name>Tony Green</name>

The IPPhoneDirectory format

This format is an XML file suitable only for manual uploading on the base. Using this format, you can define Home, Office and Mobile phone types. Here an example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Name>John Doe</Name>
        <Name>Ray Albert</Name>

CSV - Format

This is the most simple directory file. It is a comma separated value file composed by 2 columns. The first one is the contact name, the second one is the number. The CSV format is suitable only for manual uploading on the base. Here an example:

Kurt Maier (snom),8745
Mary Miller,9856
Miller Mary,9856
Dr. Smith,(917)5550145
Dr. Smith,917 555 0145
Tim Meier,(040)111111111


  • the name field must not exceed 23 characters
  • the name field cannot contain the comma
  • the number field cannot exceed 21 digits
  • the number filed can contain only digits, space, parentheses and the + symbol

FormatValid for download / provisioningValid for manual upload

Removing a Local Directory from a base

In case you need to remove the Local directory from a DECT base, you need to:

  1. log on to the base web interface
  2. click on the Central Directory menu
  3. click the Load button without selecting any file from your computer

This will wipe out the local directory from the base.

Local Directory and Multi-cell deployments

In a multi-cell deployment, the usage of a Local Directory should be considered keeping in mind the following concepts:

  • the settings regarding the Local Directory (Server Address, Filename, etc..) are synchronised via the multi-cell
  • the Local Directory data are not synchronised via the multi-cell: each base is responsible for his own local directory
  • in case the Local Directory is downloaded form the base, all the bases on the system will download the address book, make sure all the bases can access the server providing the directory file
  • in case of manual uploading of the Central Directory, the directory must be manually uploaded on all the bases of the system
  • an handset will load the Central Directory from the base where the SIP registration is located. Example: if an handset is DECT-wise registered to the base A and the SIP registration is handled on the base B, such handset will access the Local Directory of the base B
  • the downloaded Central Directory is stored on permanent memory: in case the download URL isn't accessible the base will keep the downloaded data, the data will persist a reboot