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Updated guide: Now also explains how incoming calls with a request can be forwarded internally.


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To be clear, a FritzBox can easily act as a SIP registrar and thus integrate VoIP phones just like ISDN or analog phones used to. However, the range of functions of the FritzBox is unfortunately not comparable with that of a professional telephone system (PBX).

This article is based on a test on a FritzBox 7390. It was tested on a Telekom All-IP connection.

If you want to connect a new Fritzbox to a Snom phone and need help setting up the Internet access, you can find a small guide in this article.


The configuration of the Snom phone on the FritzBox is relatively simple. First you have to create a new telephony device in the FritzBox - type is IP phone.

The user name and password are important here.

  • The user name should have at least 8 characters.
  • AVM changed the password rules. Now it has to be more safe. And it is no longer important how long it is, but i should have a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and special characters as usual. (Tested on a Fritzbox 7590 - FW Version 07.12)

    Older Entry from 2018: The password must have exactly 8 characters, no more and no less.)

You should only allow registration from the Internet if you really need it. This is not necessary for an IP phone behind the Fritz Box and should therefore remain deactivated for security reasons.

Step by step guide - FritzBox

  • Click on "Telephony" in the menu on the left and select "Telephony device".
  • Click on the far right point: "Set up new device".

  • Since the desired telephone (with and without answering machine) is already selected by default, simply click on "Next" on the far right here.

  • Next select the item: "LAN/WAN (IP phone)".
  • Name the new phone with a unique name.
  • Then click on "Next" again.

  • Now assign a "user name" and a "password".
  • (The assigned phone number can also be used as user name if you want.)
  • Then click on "Next".
  • The user name should have at least 8 characters.
  • AVM changed the password rules. Now it has to be more safe. And it is no longer important how long it is, but i should have a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and special characters as usual. (Tested on a Fritzbox 7590 - FW Version 07.12)

    Older Entry from 2018: The password must have exactly 8 characters, no more and no less.)

  • Select the phone number you want to use for outgoing calls.
  • Then click on "Next"

  • Now select the phone number under which the new telephone is to be reached (usually the same phone number as the outgoing number).
  • Then click on "Next"

  • Check in the summary if everything looks correct.
  • Then click on "Next".

  • To complete the process, a "popup window" will appear asking you to do this with an existing telephone 
    to confirm the legality of the setup process. This prevents external users from misusing your FritzBox for their own purposes.
  • If you don't have another phone just press the FritzBox button on your FritzBox. (See link in popup window).

  • Once the process has been successfully completed, you will receive another "Popup Window" as confirmation.

  • After successful setup, the new Snom Phone should now be available under "Telephony Devices", and can be configured there at any time. 

Step by step guide - Snom Desk Phone (WUI)

With the installation of the Fritzbox, most of the installation is done. Now all you have to do is set up the Snom Phone.

Please make sure your phone is set up correctly.

Please check in advance that your phone has the latest stable firmware version installed.

If the phone has been in use before, please reset it to factory defaults to avoid that previous settings prevent a correct functioning of the phone.

Enter Snom Webinterface
  • Since auto provisioning is not supported by the Fritzbox, the Snom Phone needs to be set up using its web user interface (WUI). To access the phone, type the IP address of your phone into your internet browser (e.g. To find out the IP address of your phone press the Configuration key (gear wheel symbol) → "Information" → "System information".
    For more Information, click here.

Configure snom identity:

  • First select the "Identity 1" menu item on the left-hand side and enter the user ID and password you entered in the FritzBox assigned access data.
  • Add a display name to the configuration.
  • At Registrar enter " "or the IP address of your FritzBox.
  • If you now click the button "accept" below, your Snom Phone should work immediately.
    The basic setup is now complete.

  • Of course, you can still customize things like the ringtone,
  • or the telephone / web interface language under the menu item: "Preferences".
    By default, the phone and web interface language is English.

Configure voice mailbox in your Snom phone

  • Under  Mailbox  enter the user ID that you entered in the FritzBox assigned access data (in our example it is "snomphone"). This will allow the phone to receive notifications when there is a new message from external numbers in the mailbox. Pressing the Message button on the phone can then access the new messages
  • If you now click the button "accept" below, your Snom Phone should work immediately.

Configure Snom phone to transfer incoming calls

Want to transfer incoming calls to other phones internally that are also connected to the Fritzbox? Here we explain what we found out.

  • avigate to the "Keys" section in the web interface under "Advanced/Behavior".
  • Activate the setting "Transfer by hanging up". If you still have problems, you can activate the setting under "Independent transfer by hanging up", but only then.
  • Then click the "Apply" button at the bottom.

If you have configured all Snom phones connected to the Fritzbox as shown, you need to do the following to transfer the incoming calls internally to another phone:

  1. After going off-hook, either press the "Hold" key or if you have configured a key with a second "Line", press "Line".
  2. Now dial the Fritzbox typical internal speed dial number, e.g. **620. of the telephone to which you want to transfer the call.
  3. If the called internal subscriber accepts the call, you can transfer the call after consultation by pressing the "Transfer" key.
  4. You can now hang up. Since this function was probably integrated slightly incorrectly on the part of AVM, an error message "Error during transfer" now appears. But this has nothing to say. The call should now have been transferred as desired.

If you prefer a simpler solution instead of always typing the internal extension number (e.g. **620), you can create the extension number to your colleagues in the WUI of the Snom phone under "Function keys". Either as "Direct dial" or as "BLF" (Busy Lamp Field). Both will work.

You may be interested in the following article: Setting up a FritzBox for Internet usage (on a Example with german Telekom)