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When a call gets disconnected the phone shows the disconnected ( call ended / terminated) screen for 3 seconds:

Starting with version, it is now possible to disable the disconnected screen, and instead show only a small status box with the disconnected state. This can be done by adding the string CanceledCall to the setting status_msgs_that_show_directly. 

  1. Get the current content of setting status_msgs_that_show_directly
    To do this, click on Settings in the web interface of the phone and look for "status_msgs_that_show_directly".

    You will see something like this:

    status_msgs_that_show_directly=StatusLineSystemMessage:3 UxmUpdateRequired CallBackOnBusyInProgress CallBackOnBusyAvailable PhoneProvisioningStarting 
    PhoneProvisioningInProgress PhoneHasIncomingPublicAnnouncement EthernetUnplugged PhoneHasFirmwareUpdate FirmwareUpdateFailed PhoneWantsToUpdate VisionConnectionLost
    PhoneWantsReboot PhoneHasDisabledSipStack VpnActive PhoneHasVpnError PhoneHasLowMemory PhoneRefusedHugeXcapSync CurrentIdentityIsNotRegistered PhoneIsWaitingForCallCompletion 
    CurrentIdentityIsDnd RingerIsSilent PhoneWaitsOnNtpServer PhoneCannotReachNtpServer ActiveLocations RemoteOfficeEnabled PhoneHasNoHttpPassword PhoneHasNoAdminPassword ServerMessageToBeShownDirectly 
    CurrentIdentityHasVoiceMessages PhoneHasMissedCalls CurrentIdentityHasTextMessages TryParking:5 UxmConnected:5 SxmConnected:5 WlanActive:5 ContactSaved:2 HidConnecting:10 HidConnected:5 
    ExpDeviceCabelingBroken ExpDeviceLimitExceeded

    Copy the setting and its content to a text file.

  2. Add the string CanceledCall:1 at the end of the setting content. This will tell the phone to show only a small status box with the disconnected state instead of the disconnected screen, and because ":1" means the box will be shown for 1 second. You can also change how long the box will be displayed, for example if you add " CanceledCall:7" the message box will be shown for 7 seconds.

    The string will now look like this:

    status_msgs_that_show_directly=StatusLineSystemMessage:3 UxmUpdateRequired CallBackOnBusyInProgress CallBackOnBusyAvailable PhoneProvisioningStarting 
    PhoneProvisioningInProgress PhoneHasIncomingPublicAnnouncement EthernetUnplugged PhoneHasFirmwareUpdate FirmwareUpdateFailed PhoneWantsToUpdate VisionConnectionLost
    PhoneWantsReboot PhoneHasDisabledSipStack VpnActive PhoneHasVpnError PhoneHasLowMemory PhoneRefusedHugeXcapSync CurrentIdentityIsNotRegistered PhoneIsWaitingForCallCompletion CurrentIdentityIsDnd
    RingerIsSilent PhoneWaitsOnNtpServer PhoneCannotReachNtpServer ActiveLocations RemoteOfficeEnabled PhoneHasNoHttpPassword PhoneHasNoAdminPassword ServerMessageToBeShownDirectly CurrentIdentityHasVoiceMessages 
    PhoneHasMissedCalls CurrentIdentityHasTextMessages TryParking:5 UxmConnected:5 SxmConnected:5 WlanActive:5 ContactSaved:2 HidConnecting:10
     HidConnected:5 ExpDeviceCabelingBroken ExpDeviceLimitExceeded CanceledCall:1
  3. Now we need to create the HTTP request to send to the phone in order to change the setting. To do this, add string "http://PHONE_IP/settings.htm?settings=save&store_settings=save&" (replace PHONE_IP with the IP address of your phone).

    The resulting string will now look like this:

    http://PHONE_IP/settings.htm?settings=save&store_settings=save&status_msgs_that_show_directly=StatusLineSystemMessage:3 UxmUpdateRequired CallBackOnBusyInProgress 
    CallBackOnBusyAvailable PhoneProvisioningStarting PhoneProvisioningInProgress PhoneHasIncomingPublicAnnouncement EthernetUnplugged PhoneHasFirmwareUpdate FirmwareUpdateFailed 
    PhoneWantsToUpdate VisionConnectionLost PhoneWantsReboot PhoneHasDisabledSipStack VpnActive PhoneHasVpnError PhoneHasLowMemory PhoneRefusedHugeXcapSync CurrentIdentityIsNotRegistered 
    PhoneIsWaitingForCallCompletion CurrentIdentityIsDnd RingerIsSilent PhoneWaitsOnNtpServer PhoneCannotReachNtpServer ActiveLocations RemoteOfficeEnabled PhoneHasNoHttpPassword PhoneHasNoAdminPassword 
    ServerMessageToBeShownDirectly CurrentIdentityHasVoiceMessages PhoneHasMissedCalls CurrentIdentityHasTextMessages TryParking:5 UxmConnected:5 SxmConnected:5 WlanActive:5 ContactSaved:2 HidConnecting:10 
    HidConnected:5 ExpDeviceCabelingBroken ExpDeviceLimitExceeded CanceledCall:1

    Of course, you can also change the value of this setting by modifying the setting file through auto-provisioning.

  4. Now, copy the above string and paste it in a separate tab of your browser. Press Enter or Go as if you were opening a webpage.

  5. Check the Settings of your phone and make sure the CanceledCall:1 text appears at the end.

  6. Now when a call disconnected the phone display will show only a small box: