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The "Tbook" phone book format of the Snom desk phone is exported with commas and double quotation marks. The imported .csv file must contain the same formatting.

  • E.g. : "","555456","none","active","Klaus Maria","Brandauer","","","","","","false","","","sip",""

Columns are: "name", "number", "contact_type", "outgoing_id", "first_name", "last_name", "title", "organization", "email", "note", "group", "favorite", 'action_url', "number_type", "photo"

What is entered in the 'name' field is now separated at the last space and stored in first_name/last_name. If there is no space in the name, the name is interpreted as a last name.
I.e., Name: Klaus Maria Brandauer: -> first_name Klaus Maria, last_name: Brandauer
    Name: Helena Bonham Carter:  -> first_name Helena Bonham, last_name: Carter
    Name: Elan -> last_name : Elan
    Name: Musk -> last_name: Musk
This change is not visible until a contact is open for editing. (Since the name is put together on display the same way)    

If a first_name or last_name is set at the same time, the content of the 'name' field is discarded. So don't use name, firstname and lastname together. Best would be to set the correct first and last name in their fields.

When creating a phonebook in Excel and exporting it as a .csv file, it does not have the double quotes.

  • E.g.:  testname,555456,none,active,,,,,,,,false,,,sip,

This type of file is accepted anyway, the important thing is that the fields are separated by commas.

Depending on your version of excel, this might export the file with other separators other than comma (for example ; ). Consult the guide of your Excel version to know how to set the comma as a field separator. A quick solution for the latest Excel version is:

  • Select File > Options > Advanced.
  • Clear the check box 'Use system settings'.
  • Set 'Decimal separator' to a point (dot), and 'Thousands separator' to a comma.
  • Click OK.
  • Export to CSV.