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This page is a general guide to determine the number of M500 base stations that would be needed for your site. The initial release of the M500 will only support two base stations, but subsequent firmware releases will allow for additional M500s to be added. The following guideline is applicable to the dual base station (dual cell), but is more relevant for sites that are greater.

Modelling Site Usage

It is important to understand the usage criteria of your site. They can be broken down to:

(a) The maximum number of simultaneous calls the business will need
(b) The number of users at the site
(c) The physical area that needs to be covered by the DECT radio
(d) The maximum number of users that move and roam through the facility

The installation should take into considerations all of the criteria listed above in order to determine the correct number of base stations for the site.

Maximum Number of Simultaneous Calls

The business should determine the maximum number of simultaneous calls that can occur at any given time. This is essentially the peak number of calls the M500 system should handle. An important decision is also whether the site will be using wide band audio or narrow band audio since this has a direct impact on determining the number of base stations. A single base station can handle up to eight narrow band audio calls, and therefore the M number of base stations required is equal to the maximum number of calls divided by 8. If the site is set up for wide band, then a base station can only handle up to four wideband audio calls and therefore the maximum number of calls divided by 4 to determine the M number of base stations.

Maximum Number of Users at the Site

It is important to understand the maximum number of users at the site. The number of users also determines the maximum capacity of the M500s needed. Each base station can accommodate 8 devices or users. To calculate the N number of base stations is to divide the number of users by 8.   From the above steps, compare the calculated number of base stations M or N and use whichever number is greater.

Physical Area of Coverage at Site

The physical area of coverage of telephony service at the site is determined by the users' handset or deskset static location and the roaming location(s). 

  • The static location definition is the physical area where the majority of the users are concentrated through out their work day  
  • The roaming location(s) is the physical area(s) where end users need to move to and from as part their daily work function

Once the physical area of coverage has been analyzed, consider if the number of base stations derived from the above steps can cover this area. If not, then add one base station for each physical area that needs to be extended.

Maximum Number of Users that Roam

It is important to understand the mobility pattern of the workers at the site. This is needed to determine the maximum density of users transiting in or out of zones. A zone refers to an area that is covered by a base station. Each base station has reserved two additional users that may roam into its zone.  This is always available even if a base station is already servicing the maximum number of devices which is eight. If the density at any given time is beyond the total of 10 users, then an additional base station should be added to that zone to increase the usage capacity.  The assumption here is that the users that roam need to always be available to receive or make incoming calls. If this is not the case, then these users should be classified as occasional use and should not be considered as part of the maximum density calculation.