Scheduled maintenance alert

Our website will undergo maintenance from Di, 19.11.2024, 20:00 CEST to Di, 19.11.2024, 22:00 CEST, which may cause occasional service disruptions. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.


Page tree

The purpose of this page is to describe how to fully replace a M700 DECT chain with M900 (this procedure is only possible if the system have not reached the full limit of 254 base stations)

Step-by-step guide

  1. Locate the data primary base station, this is always the base station with RPN00

  2. Replace all M700 base stations with M900, one by one but NOT RPN00 (Note: the NEW M900 base stations will run with reduced feature set as long as a M700 is still part of the system)

  3. When only RPN00 is left, you replace it with a M900 base station, the M700 (RPN00) will go into connection lost.

  4. Connect the new base station as normal (RPN0C in this example)

  5. Save Current DECT tree

  6. Firmware update the system to latest firmware

  7. When the system is done updating you can login and click “restore saved tree” for the system to use the saved DECT Tree

  8. Check that the Warning is gone from the Home/Status page

To remove RPN00 entirely from the system, it needs to be fully defaulted and all handset needs to be manually DECT re-registered

The Base M700 used as RPN00 in the original system MUST NEVER be power up again, neither near or far from the operation site, the system must operate without this base RPN00