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This CLI script provides an implementation of the XML-RPC interface, and allows the user to manage the redirections of his phones.

It is Open Source and given to the users - just like the underlying service - without any warranty whatsoever. Feel free to edit the script according to your requirements.

Installation and Run CLI

In order to use the Snom redirection service command line interface (CLI) you need to have Python installed. Python is preinstalled on many Linux distributions and on Mac OS X. However it is also available for all other major operating systems. You can find the current Python installation for your system here.

  1. Download the latest version of the from our Gitlab repository
  2. Start CLI: In order to execute the CLI call your Python interpreter with the script name

    user@laptop:~/prj/src$ python

Login to SRAPS

The CLI will ask for your SRAPS credentials. If you do not have yet a user account, you can sign up online at


  Snom Redirection Server Console Ver. 1.2.05-alpha

  (c) 2010-2018 snom technology AG


After a successful login the CLI will present the prompt:


with YourUsername being your personal SRAPS user name.

Working with the CLI

The CLI provides a help command which can be used in two different ways:

  • Print available commands
  • Get command specific help

Listing available commands

In order to list all available commands type:

YourUsername%> help

If you want to get a short description of the command, type help <command>:

Available commands (type help <command>):


add    defaults  help     list   remove  update 

check  exit      history  print  set     version


YourUsername%> help list

List phones configured in redirection service

            'list all' list all phones

            'list <phone_type>' list only phone matching <phone_type> (Eg. "list snom370")

            'list <phone_type> <url>' list only phone matching thist <phone_type> and <url> (Eg. "list snom370" )

 The list of commands might change without further notice. Please check for new or updated commands on any script updates.

Managing redirections

The actions you can execute to manage redirections are the following:

  • Create a new redirection

  • Delete a redirection
  • Change the URL for a redirection for a specific phone
  • Change the URL for a redirection for all phones redirecting to a specific URL (XXX)
  • Check if a redirection for a specific phone exists
  • Check if redirections for a list of phones exist (XXX)
  • List the redirections you have setup
    • by phone type
    • by URL (XXX -> List all url)
    • by phone type & URL
    • all redirections

Create a new redirection - the add command

In order to create a new redirection for a given phone use the add command:

YourUsername%> add 000413401XXX{mac} 
Adding redirection for 000413401XXX to{mac}.
Redirection to{mac} for snom715 with MAC address 000413401D95 has been successfully registered.

Deleting a redirection - the remove command

In order to delete an existing redirection use the remove command:

YourUsername%> remove 000413401XXX
Successfully removed redirection for snom715 with MAC address 000413401XXX.

The system will refuse to remove a redirection if it was not created with your username!!!

Changing redirections - the update command

Changing a redirection is a two-step process:

  1. Delete the old redirection
  2. Create a new redirection

Both steps are handled by the update command seamlessly.

Update the redirection for one phone

In order to update the redirection for one phone call the update command with the same syntax as the add command:

YourUsername%> update 000413401XXX
Updating redirection for 000413401XXX to
Redirection to for snom715 with MAC address 000413401XXX has been successfully updated.

Checking redirection status - the check command

In order to check if a redirection for a given phone exists use the check command.

YourUsername%> check 000413401XXX
snom820 with MAC address 000413401XXX is registered.
Current redirection target is:

Listing active redirections - the list command

In order to list your active redirections you can use the list command.

Listing all active redirections

Use list all to list all active redirections. Please note that this command takes a couple of seconds to execute as it needs to query all phone types.

YourUsernam%> list all

Loading information ...

| MAC  address |              Company              | URL                                                                               |


| 000413284XXX |  Snom Technology GmbH             | https://myprovserver/sraps/{mac}/                                                 |

Using local variables

The CLI supports basic local variables allowing you to save some typing.

Setting a variable value

In order to assign a variable value use the set command:

set myurl{mac}

Accessing variable values

After you have set a variable value you can use it in all commands:

add 000413123XXX %myurl

would be executed as

add 000413123XXX{mac}

Showing variable values - the print command

You can use the print command to show the values of currently defined variables:

  • print all shows all variable values
  • print var_name shows the value of the variable called var_name

    YourUsername%> print all
    Local variables:
    a = snom715
    b = snom725
    myurl ={mac}


YourUsername%> print myurl
myurl ={mac}

As the % sign can also be used in URLs please choose your variable names wisely so they do not conflict with your URL. Like 20 is not a good variable name if your URL contains a whitespace (%20).

Finishing your work

When you are done you can use the exit or logout command to exit the CLI.