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Starting from firmware version, all Snom Desktop phones equipped with a USB port can store the phone syslog on a mass-storage device connected. In this case the trace size is limited to the USB device free space only.


In order to enable this feature you need to

  • Set the syslog to level "9 DEBUG2" in the Log menu of the web interface
  • Enable the usb_storage_syslog phone setting
  • Unzip and save the flag file named syslog.flg on the USB device root directory
  • Plug the USB device into the phone

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Enable the usb_storage_syslog: you can do it via provisioning or via phone web interface clicking on Advanced -> QoS/Security:

  2. Unzip and save the "flag file" syslog.flg into the USB stick root directory:

  3. Unplug the USB device from the computer (please follow the required steps to safely unplug the device)

  4. Plug the USB device into the phone USB port, the phone should detect the storage device

  5. At this point the phone starts saving the phone log on the USB device. Once you reproduced the issue you can unmount and unplug the USB device. Un-mounting the device before unplugging is fundamental in order to avoid data corruptions, the USB device can be un-mounted pressing the Menu key, selecting Maintenance and then Unmount USB disk:

  6. Now your are ready to plug the USB device into your computer and start analysing the saved syslog: