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Starting with version, all editable phone settings can be changed via the Web Interface using the Settings page.

D1xx, D3xx, D7xx: how to configure a setting using the Settings page

  1. Log in as admin in the Web Interface

  2. This requires a JavaScript-enabled browser

  3. Click on Settings menu on the left side, then search in page for the required setting (in our example session_timer) or scroll down

  4. Right-click on the setting, you will see the following prompt:

  5. Enter the required value for the setting, then press OK

  6. The page will automatically refresh, and the message "Some settings are not yet stored permanently." shown 

  7. You can press "View Changes" to review your changes

  8. Once you're satisfied with the setting, you can press "Save" and it will be applied to the phone

D86x: how to configure a setting using the Settings List page

  1. Log in as admin in the Web Interface

  2. Head into the Maintenance→Settings List menu on the left side

  3. In the Settings List search bar, search for the parameter you want to modify (in our example session_timer)

  4. Now left or right click on the parameter, you will see the following prompt

  5. Enter the required value for the setting, then press Set

  6. Now you can either Apply and save the change, or Revert Changes and go back to the previous value

  7. If you Apply the change, those two options will grey out and the parameter will have the new value